Lament with Earth Liturgical Webinar


Lament with Earth Liturgical Webinar

To create space for feelings of sorrow, despair, and fear, The BTS Center has teamed up with The Many, an extraordinary group of songwriters, spoken word artists, and liturgists to create Lament with Earth — five seasonal events which will include original music, poetry, rituals, images, scripture and videos to reflect different seasons of loss through the liturgical year. These events will be interactive, inviting you to pray and sing along. You are invited to bring your own sense of loss and sadness. We will lament together, and also share that which has been a balm to our grief, strengthening us for the work we know awaits us. 

Although rooted in Christian worship and liturgical traditions, this space can potentially be helpful to anyone needing to lament in this season.

Previous webinars can be viewed at the bottom of the Lament with Earth webpage.