Getting Personal, Getting Real: Health in the Teaching of Climate - webinar


Getting Personal, Getting Real: Health in the Teaching of Climate - webinar

As part of the NOAA Climate Stewards Education Project, John M. Balbus, Senior Advisor for Public Health with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, hosts an hour-long webinar to discuss the health implications of climate change, focusing on the opportunities we have to use the science behind these issues to enhance how we teach climate change in earth science, environmental science, and social science classrooms.  

The NOAA Climate Stewards (CSEP) provides formal and informal educators working with elementary through university age students with sustained professional development, collaborative tools, and support to build a climate-literate public that is actively engaged in climate stewardship. CSEP also provides support for educators to execute climate stewardship (mitigation or adaptation) projects with their audiences to increase understanding of climate science and practical actions to reduce the impact of climate change. The project is part of NOAA's portfolio of activities to strengthen ocean, climate, and atmospheric science education. 

Interested in more opportunities like this? Click here to sign up for the NOAA Climate Stewards listserve for the latest announcements and opportunities.