GET Teacher Exchange


GET Teacher Exchange

Global Environmental Teachings (GET) unique teacher exchange experience includes workshops, excursions, and field expeditions with other teachers from the host location. Learn about new teaching methods, endangered species, and build international friendships. 

GET is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of global environmental literacy. The goals of GET are accomplished through innovative educational programs using a combination of computer technology and travel courses to elevate awareness and knowledge about environmental education among diverse populations. GET brings the world to the classroom by helping educators and students address questions like: How do some teachers in China teach about the environment? What do educators in South Africa do to address water issues with their students? This program takes the classroom beyond state and national boundaries to the global arena. Participants learn how others interact with their environment while gaining a different perspective on environmental, political, and social issues.

The mission of the Global Environmental Teachings (GET) Program is to advance environmental/conservation education worldwide through students and educators.

Through international partnerships, networks, courses and exchanges, GET accomplishes three main goals that promote the sustainability of the world’s natural resources.

  • To build a deeper understanding concerning the world’s diverse biosphere through cultural,   educational, and international exchanges
  • To provide participants with professional development opportunities
  • To create leaders by helping participants develop the knowledge and skills necessary to work towards the protection and sustainability of the world’s biosphere


View our brochure by clicking HERE.

In Spanish, click HERE.

In Chinese, click HERE.