Environmental Education for Nurse Professionals

The field of ‘nursing’ consistently gets voted as the most trusted profession in the United States. Nursing organizations and professionals have been at the forefront of climate change advocacy. They have also been helping nurture and advocate for saving our earth from further degradation. However, ecological topics are not fully integrated into nursing education, except for isolated institutions and programs. The National League of Nursing revised its vision statements by adding a detailed report on climate change urging all nursing colleges and organizations to join the climate movement. The presenter will share her contribution to bringing eco-literacy to her nursing students and inspiring them to do their part as stewards of our planet’s health.
Shanti Srinivas is the Associate Chair of the Arts & Sciences Department at Galen College of Nursing and Galen’s Diversity Equity Inclusion Council Chair. Her 18+ years of experience in higher education includes fulfilling various roles as an educator, administrator, supervisor, course creator, facilitator, mentor, and more.
Dr. Srinivas developed the Human Ecology / Environmentalism course for Galen’s RN-BSN program. In it, she introduces future nursing professionals to various climate change topics and brings awareness of their role in addressing environmental concerns. With backgrounds in Sociology, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI), and a doctorate in Higher Education Leadership, she integrates equity issues and leadership roles in advocating climate justice in her course. Her learners thoroughly enjoy the content and appreciate its applicability to their careers. She continually initiates awareness about the immense diversity in human arrangements and identities, helps foster empathy for our earth, and champions compassionate empowerment. With memberships in various DEI, human ecology, and environmental organizations and presentations at multiple councils and conferences, including the NAAEE 51st Annual Conference, she molds her daily routine around ecological consciousness and social equity. Additionally, she describes herself as self-care-focused, a gardening geek, a travel enthusiast, and a life-long learner.
Add to Your Calendar: Friday, April 28 12:00 PM Central Time / 1:00 PM Eastern Time
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This webinar is funded by ee360+ (a consortium of 27 partners led by the North American Association for Environmental Education and funded by the US EPA).