Watch: EE 30 Under 30

The EE 30 Under 30 program recognizes young leaders in the field of environmental education from around the world. At NAAEE's 2018 conference in Spokane, Washington, a panel of the 30 Under 30 leaders discussed equity and inclusion.

The panel included:

  • Jared Hiakita, 30, is a Kaiārahi (Waste Advisor) with Para Kore (Zero Waste) in the Far North District of New Zealand. 
  • Denise Lee, 19, is a sophomore at the University of Toronto, double majoring in economics and environmental science. 
  • Taiji Nelson, 30, is a Naturalist Educator with the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy. 
  • Barbara Spiecker, 29, is a STEM consultant at the Center for Research and Training (CRT) at the Learning Center for the Deaf, working to develop an online STEM conceptual dictionary entirely in American Sign Language (ASL) to further close language hurdles that Deaf students face in STEM learning.
  • Co-Moderator Quilen Blackwell is the president and founder of the Chicago Eco House, whose mission is to train inner-city youth in sustainable social enterprises to alleviate poverty. 
  • Co-Moderator Stephanie Ung serves as a Naturalist for Seattle Parks and Recreation, building relationships with community leaders to co-develop educational programming that reflects the community’s environmental priorities. 

Co-moderators Quilen Blackwell and Stephanie Ung are both 2018 ee360 Community EE Fellows.