Deep Dive Series: Climate Comedy Workshop


Deep Dive Series: Climate Comedy Workshop

Join Bow Seat for our first virtual event of our new Deep Dive Series: a participatory introduction to climate comedy with Inside the Greenhouse Co-Founder and Co-Director Beth Osnes, PhD, and University of Colorado at Boulder (CU Boulder) graduate student Ben Stasny that will include fun warm-up exercises, examples of climate comedy, activities, and the creation of brief climate comedy skits.

Our monthly educational Deep Dive Series explores how we can communicate about the climate crisis in unexpected, fresh, and even humorous ways that grab people’s attention without sacrificing the message. Meet and learn from artists, scientists, community leaders, and activists whose unique strategies are pushing the climate movement to new creative depths.


In addition to leading Inside the Greenhouse, a project dedicated to inspiring creative communication on climate, Beth Osnes, PhD, is a Professor of Theatre and Environmental Studies at CU Boulder. She is passionate about using performance to author a new story for an equitable, survivable, and thrive-able future for all life and the ecosystems upon which all life depends. She is co-founder of SPEAK.WORLD, an approach towards vocal empowerment for young women for increased self-advocacy and civic participation. She is also a teacher, scholar, and performer of climate comedy.

Ben Stasny is a second-year graduate student in the Dept. of Theatre & Dance at CU Boulder researching the intersection between theatre and climate change. He has been working closely with Beth Osnes to help author stories of interspecies relationships in order to better understand the effects of climate change through both the arts and the sciences. Ben recently conceptualized, directed, and partnered with Climate Change Theatre Action in New York City to help produce Climate Cabaret, the opening show of CU's theatrical season. He has worked as a professional actor for over a decade off-broadway, in regional theatres, in parks, on cruise ships, in bars and barns, and out of vans, and loves theatre in any and all forms. He is eager to continue exploring how theatre, storytelling and comedy can help impact climate change.