Creating ArcGIS StoryMaps with Billion Oyster Project


Creating ArcGIS StoryMaps with Billion Oyster Project

Image of oyster cage coming out of the water from a curricular resource; text reads "Oyster Restoration & Education Structures, What structures will you use to build your reef? And how will people interact with oysters at your site?"

This is a professional learning session for classroom teachers.

ArcGIS StoryMaps are a digital resource for creating engaging, interactive, and beautiful presentations using ArcGIS. In this online session, you'll learn how to incorporate StoryMaps into your classroom by creating a StoryMap of your own alongside Billion Oyster Project! 3 hours of CTLE credit are available to participants of the workshop.

The goals of this workshop include:

  • learning through hands-on, virtual activities how to create a StoryMap with students in your classroom
  • exploring BOP’s accompanying curricular mapping unit on oyster restoration
  • connecting with other BOP teachers


Learn more and register here.


If you attended this workshop, tell us how it went! What were your key takeaways?