2024 Virtual Marine Naturalist Teachers' Program

Due to the generous support of NOAA, The Whale Museum is offering a special virtual Marine Naturalist Teachers’ Program for any K–12 teachers interested this summer. It’s completely free to you! There won’t be any live components—so it will be all pre-recorded videos. The presentations will become available starting August 6 and be accessible up through 6 months.
The objective of this program is to provide a learning experience that enhances your knowledge and classroom lessons. The program highlights the ecology, current status and conservation efforts for the endangered Southern Resident killer whales and other local marine species as well as of the Salish Sea. The program highlights the ecology, current status and conservation efforts for the endangered Southern Resident killer whales and other local marine species as well as of the Salish Sea. The course includes presentations on cetaceans, other marine mammals, birds, invertebrates, geology, marine conservation, and more. Faculty includes professionals, experts and researchers. Thanks to a grant through NOAA, this program is completely FREE for qualified teachers* to participate! Our gift to you for the great work you do! Space is limited to the first 50, so donʼt wait to reserve your spot!
*To qualify, participants must be a current Classroom Teacher with a School Affiliation (Public, Private or Home School)
There is only 50 spots, so sign up quick!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at tracie@whalemuseum.org, and please help spread the word amongst teachers you know.