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Amber Lane

Kristen Hargis

Dana Crawford

Jordan Butcher

Colleen McRoberts

Polina Golikova

Anna Eick

John McLaughlin

John McLaughlin is a Program Officer with NOAA's Environmental Literacy Program. He also serves as a Citizen Science Coordinator for the agency. Prior to coming to NOAA he worked for the GLOBE Program where he trained educators around the world in collecting and analyzing environmental measurements. John enjoys measuring and reporting precipitation and observing clouds and contrails.

JoAnn Moran

Jennifer Carness

Paige Humphrey

Hello! I am a Program Coordinator at the Cooper Center for Environmental Learning in Tucson, AZ. Being a part of so many students' first experience in nature is a feeling beyond compare. My favorite desert plant and animal are the burroweed strangler and the Sonoran spotted whiptail lizard.

Rholine Rose

Alaina Restivo

scott Howes

Sinet Kroch

Suzanne Self

Dadasaheb Gaikwad

Ginger Jane

Francesca Mundrick

Savannah Blakeley

Beth Stevens

Beth Stevens is a former Senior Vice President of Environmental Affairs at Disney Worldwide Services. Her responsibilities included reducing companywide CO2 emissions, promoting nature conservation efforts, and creating a culture of "environmentality" within the corporation. Before joining Disney, Beth worked at the National Zoo in Washington, DC, and then led conservation, science, and education programs at Zoo Atlanta. After joining Disney, she became the Conservation & Science Director and then Vice President of Disney's Animal Kingdom, and later led the environment and conservation portfolio for Disney's Corporate Citizenship team. Beth is a graduate of Duke University and the University of Tubingen and holds a PhD in Biology with emphasis in animal behavior from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Tina Salata DeCelles

Alysa Meeks

Kyle D'Ambrosio