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Lisa Melendy

Ryan Misley

Sheryl Sotelo

I have been an educator for over 40 years. I currently work in rural Alaskan Villages supporting STEM education with teachers and students in Prince William Sound, across Kachemak Bay, and Cook Inlet. I served as an Einstein Fellow in Washington DC at the National Science Foundation.

Julia Showalter

Han Bourne

Sarah Jennings She/Her

Sarah coordinates the Caring for Our Watersheds Chesapeake Bay challenge. She also coaches and trains educators 1:1, school districts and their STEM professionals, environmental informal educators on Environmental Action Civics, in the Mid-Atlantic region. 

Marcia Sweet

Dean Poland

Camp Cody is a co-ed Summer Camp in Freedom, New Hampshire. Since 1926, we have been providing unique experiences for campers and staff of all ages worldwide. Our Cody team is made up of teachers, athletes, coaches, creatives, hikers, bikers, travelers, and so much more. Together, we provide a safe and fun environment where campers and staff create life-long memories.

Katie Grimes she/her/hers

Andreia Hypolito Jose

Kimberly Hughes she/her

Kim is the Co-Director of a non-profit in West Hartford, root2RISE, where she works to ensure all children have access to meaningful and inclusive outdoor learning experiences. She also teaches environmental education classes at a local farm and education center, and has worked for many years to develop school programs focused on sustainability and stewardship of the land - our common ground.

Tolly Foster

Tolly Foster - Education Programs Manger, Indianapolis Zoo

Rose Seemann she/her

I'm the co-founder of the Enviro Pet Waste Network connects people to information supporting pet waste disposal methods that are kinder to the planet. I also started EnviroWagg, an EPWN program that is diverting tons of dog waste from Colorado landfills by composting it in an in-vessel tumbler located at Soil Rejuvenation Garden Bed Supply in Longmont. 

Andrew Gillcrist

Pippa Hemsley

Frederick Livingston he/him

Tamia Brown

Nellie Chaban

Stephanie Francis

Anika Ballent

Ethan Duke

Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Missouri River Bird Observatory. Dedicated to the conservation of Missouri's birds and their habitats through science, education, and advocacy.

Julie Head

Arthur Morgan

The Land School at Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice holds land-based educational programming for kids and adults, year round. Our programs include outdoor exploration, outdoor living & regenerative skills, growing food, foraging, wildcrafting, storytelling, plant & animal study, mentorship, empowerment and lots of fun and play! At the Land School, we think of land as sanctuary. We practice and work to build the skills to care for our land and each other.

Lisa Welgreen