Kelli Edwards

Kelli Edwards

Environmental Education Manager

Fulton County Government


Roles at NAAEE



Biodiversity, Citizen Science, Culture and Art, Ecosystems, EE Certification, Environmental Literacy, Environmental Quality, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Marine, Nonformal Education, Urban EE, Water


Kelli L.Edwards is a Marine Scientist and Environmental Educator with more than 15 years of experience in environmental education. Professionally, Ms. Edwards serves as an Environmental Education Manager for Fulton County Government. In this role, she creates environmental education programs and public workshops to inform the public on the importance of water quality and conservation through hands-on activities. Outside of her professional role, she has served as a marine science consultant for the National Association of Black Scuba Divers - Youth Education Summit and the Westside Atlanta Charter School's Oceans Stewards program. Additionally she has served as a snorkeling guide for Get Black Outside, a global platform designed to connect underrepresented audiences with the great outdoors. Through her roles, she aims to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards. In her personal time, Ms. Edwards enjoys camping, kayaking,and traveling. She is a NAUI certified rescue scuba diver with a longterm goal of using scuba diving to connect others with the marine environment.


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