Carlos Velazquez
NC Environmental Justice and Equity Board
Roles at NAAEE
While living for months in the newly formed Canadian Territory of Nunavut, Mr. Velazquez was invited to learn about the lives and environmental conditions of the Inuit people, sharing some of the work being done by U.S. state, federal, and environmental agencies to protect the environment. Carlos is currently in correspondence with members of the Sustainable Development Department in the Nunavut Territory. Currently, Carlos works with the North Carolina Environmental Educators (EENC), the Center for Human-Earth Restoration (CHER), and the Raleigh Parks Recreational and Cultural Resources. Many of his lectures are listed on Google under Carlos Velazquez Inuit.
Carlos Velazquez, an Otomi Indian, is a retired Mechanical Engineer, recipient of the Environmental Educators of North Carolina Outstanding Partnership Award, Environmental Educator of the Year from Wake County, NC, and winner of the NAAEE 2011 Rosa Parks and Grace Lee Boggs Environment Award. Mr. Velazquez has worked with environmental groups in Alaska and Canada, and in China as a project engineer, where he met with the Chinese Environmental Department. Mr. Velazquez was the first westerner to give a talk on Preserving the Environment and the Ways of China's Minorities, at Dalian University, in mainland China.
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