Adrian Ayson
Roles at NAAEE
Adrian has enjoyed a lifelong career in environmental education. Starting out as a park ranger, he has since served as Statewide Director of Education at Massachusetts Audubon, Director of Operations at the Center for Whole Communities, in Vermont, and as NAAEE's Senior Director for Technology Programs. As the founder of eeMatters, an environmental education and interpretive planning consulting group, Adrian led professional and community-based teams that developed strategic plans, master interpretive plans, exhibits, and technology-based communication tools for clients as varied as NAAEE, Maine Audubon, Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Trustees of Reservations, Monadnock Media, Old Sturbridge Village, and New York Botanical Gardens.
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Adrian has treasured the unique rewards that come from being of service to the field of EE. Serving on the board of the New York City Environmental Education Advisory Council was the first of many turns with professional EE associations. Adrian played leadership roles with the New England EE Alliance (executive director, president), Massachusetts EE Society (president), and as special projects manager for the Maine EE Association. He has served as a consultant for capacity building and environmental literacy initiatives with state EE associations in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Vermont. Adrian has also been active on the NAAEE Affiliate Network, serving on the Steering Committee and as Chair of the Professional Development Committee.
Adrian is pleased as punch about having received the NAAEE Outstanding Service to EE Award, in 2016.
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