What to use to teach environmental health and climate change?

I recently saw this question posted to the American Public Health Association, Environmental Health listserv and thought folks here might be interested in the responses shared. What do you use to teach climate change?
- Association of Environmental Studies and Scientists (https://aessonline.org/). They have a syllabus bank that can be accessed by members.
- Citizens’ Climate Education (https://citizensclimateeducation.org/). They have volunteer speakers that could come talk to your class.
- Ecological Footprint Calculator (http://www.footprintcalculator.org/). This helps calculate how many earths it takes to live.
- FoodSpan (http://www.foodspanlearning.org/). This curriculum teaches about food systems - from farm to fork.
- MIT’s Climate Simulation (https://mitsloan.mit.edu/LearningEdge/simulations/worldclimate/Pages/default.aspx). Used for context building. A watered-down version of the simulation fits into 2, 75 minute class periods.
- Oroeco app (https://www.oroeco.com/). Students track their choices over a semester and ultimately see pounds of CO2 used per month.
- Project Learning Tree (https://www.plt.org/curriculum/southeastern-forests-climate-change/). This curriculum contains 14 activities that focus on the interactions between climate and forests and the ways forest management can help adapt to and mitigate future change.
- The Climate Reality Project (https://www.climaterealityproject.org/). They have wonderful guest speaker ideas which can be used to lead small and large group discussions. They focus on what we can do as an individual, family, community and at larger geographic levels to combat climate change.