Searching for Nature Preschools!

Get Counted and Share Your Voice
Natural Start is counting nature-based preschools in the US. Help us find your program by joining the Alliance as an organizational member today (no cost to join)! You’ll be able to add your voice to our national survey of nature-based preschools. Know of other nature preschools that aren’t yet members? Encourage them to sign up, too!
Tracking a Growing Movement
As we prepare for a new survey of nature preschools in the US, it’s great to look back on how far we’ve come! The 2017 National Survey of Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens and the 2020 Snapshot of Nature-Based Preschools in the US track the growth of nature preschools and make the case for nature in young children’s education.
Put Your Program on the Map!
Natural Start maintains a map of nature preschools in the US that are members of the Alliance. If you operate a nature-based preschool and join the Alliance as an organizational member, you can add your program to the map to make it visible to anyone looking for nature preschools in your area!