Help Promote More International EE Collaboration!


Help Promote More International EE Collaboration!

A group of international researchers is conducting research about national and international participation in environmental education conferences. Primarily, we are looking to find out what barriers to participation exist for environmental education society members. Once these barriers are evaluated, we hope to find ways to allow for more international and cross-cultural interaction among environmental education societies. Environmental education and environmental issues are global concerns and working together as a planet we can educate and affect positive change.

To accomplish these goals we need to take the first step and would very much appreciate your insights into this issue of conference participation. The survey will take about 12 minutes and your responses are anonymous. It is offered in four languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, and is available through the end of October 2020.  Participation is completely voluntary and you may stop at any time.

This research study has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Texas A&M International University. For questions regarding your rights as a research participant, or if you have complaints, concerns, or questions about the research, you can contact Dr. Jennifer Coronado (English), IRB Chair, 956-326-3060,, or Dr. Roberto Heredia (English/Spanish), 956-326-2637,

Link to the survey:

On behalf of my fellow researchers (Dr. Kantaro Tabiraki, Matsumoto University – Japan; Dr. Tzuchau Chang, National Taiwan Normal University – Taiwan; and Dr. Chankook Kim, Korea National University of Education – Republic of Korea), I want to thank you for your consideration of this request.
