Surging Seas Risk Finder


Surging Seas Risk Finder

Sea level rise traceable to human-caused global warming is already increasing coastal floods. Climate Central released a new module within Surging Seas Risk Finder, our interactive data toolkit for the coastal U.S. (to be expanded internationally in 2017).

"Coastal Floods Are Increasing" uses analysis from our report quantifying the contribution of human-induced sea level rise to “minor” floods as defined by the National Weather Service. These are the increasingly frequent events that can block traffic, degrade infrastructure, and cause a multitude of problems in daily life, even on sunny, storm-free days. The tool charts trends for places within 100 miles of tide gauges analyzed in the study.

Two-thirds of all floods in the U.S. since 1950 — and more than 75% in the last decade — are directly attributable to sea level rise caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Here’s an example from Risk Finder of the decade-by-decade look for Annapolis, MD.

We also provide an up-to-date tally of the flooding that’s occurred since the beginning of 2015, based on localized data from 27 tide stations. The example below is for New York City.




Explore the risk for your area by searching for your location at As always, we welcome your feedback.