Penguins Ready to Go, Go, Go! Educational Guide


Penguins Ready to Go, Go, Go! Educational Guide

Emperor penguins diving off sea ice into the polar ocean

Children (and adults) love waddly Emperor penguins. But these birds don't just waddle. PENGUINS READY TO GO, GO, GO! young readers discover Emperor penguins' surprising secrets of survival on—and under—the Antarctic sea ice. The book brings children up close to Emperor penguins as they sled on their bellies, huddle against blizzards, swoosh through the ocean and leap onto the sea ice, snuggle their chicks on their feet, and much more. Illustrated with spectacular photos from international scientists and explorers, many being published for the first time in a children's book, the book also includes QR codes linked to live-action Emperor penguin videos.

STEM-rich backmatter with highlighted WOW! facts inspires children to learn more about Emperors penguins' amazing adaptations, like how they shuffle through their huddles so each bird gets a turn in the warm middle. Author Deborah Lee Rose shows how scientists study these largest penguins with the newest technology, such as robotic rovers. And PENGUINS READY TO GO, GO, GO! (Persnickety Press / WunderMill Books) dives into the impact of climate change and human activity on this much loved but threatened species, and what people can do to protect them and their polar ecosystem.