Children In Permaculture


Children In Permaculture

CiP(Children in Permaculture) is an innovative project of international cooperation bringing together educators (from different organisations, educational settings and countries) in order to cross-fertilise, share and synthesise ideas. In this project we have developed, tested, adapted and implemented best practices in engaging children in permaculture through creating various resources which you can see in the resources menu. We are now delivering high quality training and consultancy services across Europe.

Permaculture is genuine care for people, for nature, and taking only a fair share of resources.

The philosophy of permaculture is one of working with rather than against nature, of looking at systems in all their functions, rather than asking only one yield of them, and of allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions (Bill Mollison, Permaculture – A Designers Manual 1988)
Permaculture is a mixture of new and old ways how to live sustainably….

Permaculture is a new creative approach to old problems and hope for those who are thinking about life in the context of other beings….

Permaculture is an interdisciplinary design system for creating efficient and resilient systems. It has an ethical basis and can be applied universally. It has been used in contexts as diverse as agriculture, forestry/woodland management, horticulture, architecture, landscape architecture, organisational design, community development, education and the home. People across the globe are increasingly using it as a tool to transition to more sustainable lifestyles.