City residents look to urban parks to improve their quality of life

Teymouri, R. ., Ghorbani, R. ., & Hojjati, H. . (2017). Investigation of the relationship between public green space and urban life quality. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 6.

This study investigated the relationship between public green space and the quality of life for the citizens of the Iranian city of Tabriz. One hundred city residents participated in the study by completing a questionnaire focusing on their reasons for visiting urban parks. The questionnaire was distributed to twenty-five randomly-selected visitors at four different parks at different times of the day and at various places in the parks. The questionnaire included both multiple choice and open questions.

Respondents indicated that they go to the park once every several weeks and that they believed evenings were the best time of day for visiting parks. They also believed that spring and summer were the best seasons for spending time in the park. About half of the respondents indicated that, when they visited a park, they liked to spend 3-4 hours there with their friends. Most (85%) of the participants said that the main reason for visiting parks was to spend time with family and friends, and 32% go to parks to provide recreational facilities for their children. Other reasons for going to the parks included clean air, family fun, pleasure, hiking, and as an escape from their excessively small residential environment and the routine of daily life. Younger people were more likely to visit the parks as an escape from the challenges of urban life than older people. Over half (52%) of the participants cited the peaceful environment of parks as the reason why they preferred parks over other recreational places, and 49% cited proximity and easy access as reasons why they prefer to go to parks.

Each of the four parks included in this study had specific features, and there were significant differences in the reasons given for visiting the parks. One park, for example, is the largest urban park in Tabriz and is located further out of the city than the other parks. It attracts thousands of visitors from other cities, and “easy access” was not a reason given for why respondents visited this park.

This study indicates that city residents of different social status and age groups look to urban parks to improve their quality of life. Parks provide a safe place for children, opportunities for strengthening family ties, and an escape from the constraints of urban living. These and other socio-psychological benefits identified by city residents highlight the importance of green space in urban communities.

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