Third World Community Power Conference WCPC2020 “Women in Community Energy”


Third World Community Power Conference WCPC2020 “Women in Community Energy”

The World Wind Energy Association WWEA, ISEP Japan, the Malifolkecenter Nyetaa MFC, the African Platform for Community Power and Rural Electrification, in collaboration with Global100RE, GWNET, ICLEI, International Solar Energy Society ISES, Australian Coalition for Community Energy, Japan Community Power Network, Women in Energy Pakistan and LEE NRW, will host the third World Community Power Conference WCPC2020 with the main topic “Women in Community Energy.” Due to the global covid-19 pandemic, WCPC2020 will be held as an online meeting on 19 November 2020.

The WCPC2020 will gather community energy stakeholders from around the world to join the discussion on how to maximise the benefits of renewable energy for all, with a special focus on the role of women. Women are leaders in the climate movement, but they appear to still have difficulties in participating and are underrepresented in renewable energy in general and in particular in community energy. Accordingly, WCPC2020 aims at highlighting models and approaches in which women are playing a driving role and defining what barriers women face when they try to act in renewable energy field. WCPC2020 will also present a study WWEA is currently conducting with various partners about the role of women in community energy:

WCPC2020 follows the 1st World Community Power Conference 2016 which was organised in Fukushima City, Japan, and the 2nd World Community Power conference which was held in Bamako, Mali.

This conference begins at 9:30 am CET (3:30 am EST) and end at 1:30 pm EST. Registration is free.