Recycle Regatta is Underway!

Greetings from the Recycle Regatta Crew!
2024 marks the 5th Annual Recycle Regatta, a partnership program between New England Science & Sailing Foundation (NESS), Educational Passages, and the North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA). We are excited to remind you that submissions are open and being accepted through APRIL 30th! Apply the engineering method and help your students become environmental stewards as you repurpose recyclables into seaworthy vessels! Master buoyancy, engineering, and physics obstacles to race your boat creations to victory.
The Recycle Regatta is a free, fun, hands-on competition for K–12 students to participate in from anywhere! Students build a model sailboat from recycled and repurposed materials and race to victory while discovering engineering, mathematics, sailing, buoyancy, and stewardship. Two awards will be given for each fleet, including the fastest and most creative vessels.
In 2023 we received over 250 entries and are looking to surpass that number! In light of this, and with Earth Day in mind, we planned an extended submission period! We hope this will help teachers, organizations, and families to plan and incorporate their boat building into Earth Day-centered lessons and curriculum.
To prepare your learners for the Recycle Regatta make sure to:
- Visit our website to access free educational resources and helpful information for running your own Recycle Regatta, including our Teacher Toolkit.
- Gather recyclable materials for boat building
- Join our Facebook Group to connect with other educators running regattas
- Follow NESS, EP, and NAMEPA social media channels
We hope to see some awesome submissions from your teams this year! Please reach out if you have any questions!