2020 MEEA Conference


2020 MEEA Conference

Maine Environmental Education Association’s 2020 Conference and Research Symposium Call for Workshops and Research Posters

Community-based Environmental Learning: 

From Inspiration to Impact


General Event Description:

The Maine Environmental Education Association will hold its 2020 Research Symposium and Conference on March 5-6 at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast, Maine.  The Research Symposium is March 5th, followed by MEEA’s traditional Conference on March 6th. At the event we will explore how schools, organizations and individuals across Maine are creating powerful environmental learning opportunities for Maine youth and adults while also connecting them to their communities. We will highlight outstanding examples of programs and curricula that utilize the power of outdoor learning and cultural traditions to connect Mainers to their home leading to a greater understanding of community values, issues, and impacts.  The Research Symposium offers a venue for researchers and students across New England to share and discuss completed or in-progress studies on a range of environmental education research topics, methodologies, approaches and challenges. The following questions will drive our shared learning at the conference:

  • How do you ensure that your programs and curricula have strong connections to the community, building a sense of place in your learners?
  • How do you shed light on the connections between environmental education/outdoor learning activities and the near and long-term quality of the environment?
  • How do you use education in your communities to generate solutions to complex problems that benefit the environment and are also rooted in justice and equity?
  • How do you ensure that your environmental education practice is relevant and reflective of your community? 

Research Symposium: Thursday March 5th

MEEA is seeking engaging research poster session proposals for our 2020 Research Symposium on March 5, 2020 at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast, ME! 

The Research Symposium offers venues for sharing and discussing completed or in-progress studies on a range of research topics, methodologies, approaches and challenges. During a short introduction at the beginning of the poster session, we will ask presenters to give a one-minute “pitch” describing their posters; following the pitches, we ask that presenters stand with their posters for the remainder of the session (approximately one hour) to engage with participants, respond to questions, and provide further details about their work. Posters will be available for viewing during the Research Symposium and MEEA Conference. 

Research Symposium Poster proposals will be assessed and selected for inclusion by how well they: 

  • Identify a research topic or issue relevant to EE researchers 
  • Identify the theoretical, conceptual, and epistemological frameworks informing the work
  • Identify appropriate research methodologies and/or methods used (or planned to be used), as well as findings and their implications, as appropriate 
  • Explain how the session will inform environmental educators and researchers about effective practices and/or encourage innovation within the profession/field


MEEA Conference:  Friday March 6th


The 2020 MEEA conference will feature session strands to encourage a more broad and inclusive representation of environmental education innovation, research, strategies, curricula and resources. Presentation formats may include traditional presentations, hands-on workshops and roundtable discussions. We will place a high priority on sessions that feature interaction and participation and all workshops should offer tangible takeaways for session participants.


Green Leadership:

What skills do you need to be a more effective community-based, equitable and inclusive environmental Changemaker? 

Potential workshops might focus on: 

  • Collaborative/Transformational leadership 
  • Systems Thinking and mapping
  • Community engagement best practices
  • Conflict resolution
  • Communications, Storytelling and Targeted Messaging
  • Youth environmental leadership
  • Intergenerational leadership models
  • Advocacy and policy 
  • Youth-led movements and community environmental action projects
  • Exploring organizational strategies to advance equity in schools and nonprofits (i.e. hiring practices, equity and inclusion committee work, organizational learning opportunities, equity and inclusion in strategic planning and values creation etc.)
  • Addressing power, privilege and positionality

Connecting with Nature:

What education strategies are particularly effective in helping ALL Mainers connect to nature?  

Presentations may be focused on:

  • Integrating outdoor and nature-based education into formal and informal education programs. 
  • Curricula, strategies, and tools that connect youth and adults to nature and Maine's vibrant natural history.
  • Citizen-science programs
  • Exemplar outdoor education programs that align to NGSS/proficiency-based education
  • Exploring culturally relevant curricula models that take place out of doors
  • Building accessibility and equity in outdoor programming
  • Advancing Climate Change Education
  • What innovative tools and strategies are you using to educate Mainers about climate justice and climate change?


Presentations may be focused on:

  • Best Practices in climate change education and communication
  • Briefings on research on climate change, behavior change and education in Maine
  • Case studies of innovative climate education programs
  • Climate Justice Education
  • Citizen Science Climate Projects
  • Climate Education Policy 


Early Childhood and Family Outdoor Learning:

What are some powerful programs and educational techniques for young children and families where learning occurs outdoors? Learn strategies, projects, and innovative curricula.

Presentations may be focused on:

  • The benefits of nature play
  • The latest research on early childhood environmental education 
  • Caregiver driven models like Family Nature Clubs, Forest Playgroups
  • Best practices in early childhood teacher preparation for outdoor education
  • How to incorporate nature/outdoors programming in existing early childhood programs
  • New ideas on hands-on loose parts and incorporating art, movement, and sensory activities outdoors
  • Building accessibility and cross cultural learning opportunities into early childhood nature-based programming

To submit a proposal for a conference presentation or research symposium poster, go to: https://neeeaconf.wufoo.com/forms/meea-2020-conference-call-for-conference-proposals/

We are excited to be collaborating to plan and host this event!  We are co-hosting the Research Symposium with the Maine Math and Science Alliance and the New England Environmental Education Alliance and are Co-hosting the Conference with Unity College.