Urban Nature-Based Early Childhood Education

The ECOPEEP certificate at Alverno College begins with a course combining early childhood education with environmental education taught by the Urban Ecology Center’s Matt Flower.
The course will scaffold experiences that show you how to accomplish early childhood learning goals through nature-based experiences and outdoor exploration. The course can be taken to earn an Alverno College Badge or for three college credits (undergraduate and graduate are available). The flexible online format includes hands-on outdoor experiences that give you an understanding of nature in your area and the knowledge to create, conduct, and evaluate indoor and outdoor nature-based programs that inspire curiosity and confidence in young learners. The special emphasis on NbEC education in densely populated urban spaces, even those with limited access to nature, makes this course a first-of-its-kind!
Register to participate on Mondays, starting August 2, 2021, through August 23, 2021.