Uneven Aged Management
Uneven aged management is the most complex of the main silvicultural systems implemented for northern hardwoods. While northern hardwood forests are quite resilient and therefore allow for significant flexibility in implementation of prescriptions, this malleability can often allow these stands to be set on negative trajectories even with the best of intentions by the foresters marking the sites. This module is designed to discuss some of the factors to consider when marking northern hardwood stands. While a significant body of research exists that aids decisions in northern hardwood management, this science is confounded by the fact that the timelines necessary to complete a study are in excess of an individual researcher's lifespan, and therefore, questions need to be answered across multiple researchers' careers, in sequence. What is presented in this module is a combination of tree biology, forest economics, forest products and silvicultural research.
This training will explore the following topics:
- main silvics characteristics for the most common northern hardwood species
- characterstics of trees that contribute to standing stock quality
- basics of uneven age management
- how to apply this under variable stand conditions