Soundscapes: Acoustic Explorations Within Our Environment

OSEE (Ontario Society for Environmental Education) hosts a series of online workshops & webinars called Interactions Live. These events are for all educators interested in furthering their environmental education practice.
Soundscapes: Acoustic Explorations Within Our Environment
January 19th, 2022, 7:00-8:15pm
Online Workshop Description:
Join Vicky An & Rachel Stewart from TRCA (Toronto Region & Conservation Authority) for Interactions Live.
The first 25 registrants will be entered into a draw to win a $50 gift card from the Outdoor Learning Store!
Soundscapes are representations of our experience of sound as it exists around us. Using the environment as the context, soundscapes can be a powerful tool to use with students to explore creative processes and our relationship to the natural world. In this experiential and participatory session, we will take you through the process of mapping a soundscape and discuss how to integrate this activity into broader strategies that can engage learners in, about and for the environment. Click here for presenter bios