PLT Online Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators


PLT Online Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators

This online workshop introduces formal and nonformal educators to Project Learning Tree’s (PLT) Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood activity guide, and helps educators prepare for facilitating activities with young learners. The online workshop is comprised of five coursels (each a 20-30 minute self-directed multimedia learning experience) that can be completed anytime, anywhere with an Internet connection. Coursels include videos of educators modeling select PLT activities; connections to supporting online resources; and opportunities for planning how the educator might facilitate select PLT activities within their context. Educators also receive access to a web-based version of PLT’s Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood activity guide.

Workshop Outcomes: 

  • Educators who participate in this online workshop are able to:
  • Approach learning and teaching from an ecological and multi-disciplinary perspective;
  • Use PLT materials and incorporate PLT into their current and future lesson plans and curriculum;
  • Demonstrate increased confidence in teaching environmental education concepts and principles of service learning;
  • Demonstrate enriched knowledge of content included in PLT lessons;
  • Connect with other professionals in their region interested in environmental education;
  • Feel excited and motivated when learning about environmental education;
  • Use PLT  to meet the needs of diverse audiences; and
  • Demonstrate ability to use PLT curriculum resources to meet their state and national education standards.

Workshop Agenda:
This online workshop includes the following components:

  • Welcome Letter from National PLT (5 minutes)
    • A document providing an overview of the online workshop and contact information for appropriate PLT State Coordinator
  • Troubleshooting FAQs (5 minutes)
    • A document providing solutions to commonly asked technical questions
  • Features of a Coursel (5 minutes)
    • A document showing the interactive features of each coursel user interface
  • Welcome to Project Learning Tree! (30 minutes)
    • In this coursel, discover the benefits of Project Learning Tree and how we have been helping students and educators for 40 years! Our positive impact lies in our award-winning supplemental curriculum materials, our extensive network, and our hands-on professional development experiences. A worksheet is provided to guide your learning.
  • Hike through the Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood Activity Guide (30 minutes)
    • In this coursel, explore PLT's Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood activity guide. You will be guided through several lesson planning activities to help you identify the best PLT activities for young learners and your teaching situation. A worksheet is provided to guide your learning. You will need access to the activity guide to complete this coursel.
  • PLT Early Childhood Music Files (5 minutes)
    • Access the music files that accompany the PLT Environment Experiences for Early Childhood activity guide. Use these files to facilitate experiences with young learners!
  • Group Experiences for PLT’s Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood (30 minutes)
    • This coursel explores four different types of group experiences found in your PLT Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood activity guide. The coursel models select experiences through video, and will help you plan how to effectively facilitate this activity with young learners. A worksheet is provided to guide your learning and lesson planning. You will need to access Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood activity guide in order to complete this coursel.
  • Learning Centers for PLT’s Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood (30 minutes)
    • This coursel explores six different types of learning centers found in your PLT Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood activity guide. The coursel models select experiences through video, and will help you plan how to effectively facilitate this activity with young learners. A worksheet is provided to guide your learning and lesson planning. You will need to access Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood activity guide in order to complete this coursel.
  • A Path Forward (30 minutes)
    • In this coursel, you will discover the many ways to stay connected with PLT after this online workshop has ended. We highlight ways you can get additional resources, grants, and support, as well as information about PLT's GreenSchools program. A worksheet is provided to guide your learning.
  • PLT Online Workshop Evaluation Survey (optional) (5 minutes)
    • A survey requesting feedback about the educator’s online workshop experience

Educators who complete the online workshop receive a certificate of completion.
Access never expires to this workshop and the web-based version of PLT’s Environmental Education for Early Childhood activity guide.
Note:  Most of PLT’s partners at the state-level have added additional state-specific content and optional learning activities in order to offer a customized learning experience that meets the needs of educators in their state.