Lesson 3 Reflection

We will now return to the MWEE 101 Reflection assignment. Make sure you are logged in to eePRO, open a new browser tab, and return to the MWEE Reflection form (https://eepro.naaee.org/learning/eelearn/eelearn-6-mwee-101/form).

The Lesson 3 reflection consists of one question and the completion of one planning tool.

  1. Use the document to record your answer to the Lesson 3 Reflection question:

What was your impression of the ELM and Audit Tool? How do you envision using the ELM to plan your own MWEE and share your MWEE with others? How do you envision using the Audit Tool to plan, adjust and/or reflect on your MWEE? Share any additions or changes to either the ELM or Audit Tool you would make to have it better fit your planning process.

  1. Brainstorm your own MWEE program using the Think Cloud.

Now that you have a solid grasp of the essential elements and supporting practices, it's time to brainstorm ideas for developing a MWEE of your own. Answer all the questions on the Think Cloud to the best of your ability. 

If you are currently a pre-service teacher or don’t yet know where or with whom you’ll do a MWEE, simply decide on an age group and a location you are familiar with and complete the exercise as best as you can.

Once you have completed the MWEE Reflection form you will be able to print and download your reflection and a certificate of completion.