Creating More Inclusive Spaces in STEM for Native Americans


Creating More Inclusive Spaces in STEM for Native Americans

"Inclusive pedagogies, epistemologies, and ontologies can create a more accessible and supportive STEM learning environment for Native Americans, as well as enrich the scholarship in those fields."

"Living and learning are not about our individual gains, but about the benefits to our children and to our place. Our motivation to increase Native American representation originates from a love for our people, the land, and our plant relatives. We continue to learn and practice our traditional lifeways, as well as practicing traditional land stewardship. A grandmother’s lessons on respect, reciprocity, and responsibility for the land taught future generations about positionality and the importance of representation."

Ruth Plenty Sweetgrass-She Kills, PhD and Jennifer Harrington, MS, two Native American women in STEM fields, share their experiences and a few components in the complex and multi-layered process of creating more inclusive spaces in STEM for Native Americans.

Full article is available here:

How can environmental educators support accessible and supportive STEM learning environment for Native Americans? Please share some ideas in the comments below.