Hōkūokahalelani Pihana

Hōkūokahalelani Pihana

Program Manager

Hawaii Environmental Education Alliance


Roles at NAAEE



Aligned with NGSS, Biodiversity, EE Certification, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Conservation, Culture and Art, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Ecosystems, EPA Priority, Environmental Literacy, Forestry, PreK-12, Health, Marine, Nonformal Education, E-STEM, Water
e kuhikuhi pono i nā au iki a me nā au nui o ka ʻike instruct well in the little and large currents of knowledge As a mother, scientist, and educator I work with our communities, educators, and children to strengthen environmental education and literacy in Hawaiʻi. E kakoʻo mākou i nā kumu

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