Gabriela Mezeiova (she/her)
Slovak Eco Quality
State College,
Roles at NAAEE
Hi, I am Gabriela, a Humphrey Fellow hosted by Penn State University during the 2022/2023 academic year. My focus here in the US has been Sustainability Education and Policy. Back in Slovakia I lead the Slovak Eco Quality, non-profit organization active in the field of non-formal sustainability education. Currently, I am affiliated with the NAAEE, learning about the amazing national and international sustainability education initiatives and looking forward to utilizing all the inspirational know-how once back to Slovakia.
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Gabriela Mezeiova has been an expert on education at the Slovak Center for Scientific and Technical Information, Slovakia (since 2018) and leader of Slovak Eco Quality, NGO (since 2020).
Since 2009, she has been an educator involved also in research, and project management, first in academic settings, and later on in nonprofits and public institutions, mainly in topics related to education for sustainable development. Her current interests include the US environmental education, non-formal education applied to formal settings, and sustainability education building life skills.
Gabriela's foothold in human sciences and services, from counseling to community organizing, and social impact projects’ implementation have an important similarity: they are in constant development, presenting new angles and approaches. She believes it is not possible to be good in these fields with the way things are, and this is where she shines.
She envisions to utilize US good practices in grassroot activities and influence the educational policy in Slovakia leading to “Changing Education by Education for Change”.
Gabriela has been a Humphrey Fellow hosted by Penn State University since August 2022, currently accomplishing her professional affiliation with the North American Association for Environmental Education.
She holds a PhD. in Political Science, fluently speaks 4 languages, wears barefoot shoes, loves to explore, cares and shares.