Plastic bottle bans?


Plastic bottle bans?

The city of Montreal is considering a complete ban on plastic water bottles. Some think this idea goes too far (water is a healthy beverage, what will tourists think?), others feel it doesn't go far enough (including all beverages that are bottled in plastic). What do you think? Have you visited or live in a place that has banned plastic bottles? Read the story and share your thoughts in the discussion!

Links: Montreal wants complete ban on plastic bottles

Great question! I would probably fall somewhere in the middle--I think getting rid of plastic water bottles is a great idea that should be embraced, and a good first step toward banning other plastics in general. I think a sweeping change like getting rid of all drinks in plastic bottles would likely turn some people off to the idea--it might seem too radical to some folks, and people love their gatorade. A ban on bottled water could also be more seamlessly executed if a targeted effort was made to provide more water fountains or reusable water bottle filling stations. I'd imagine that, ultimately, businesses would save money doing this rather than purchasing bottled water to sell.