NAAEE Research Symposium 2016, October 18-19

NAAEE’s annual Research Symposium brings together more than 150 new and experienced researchers from around the globe to explore the current state and future directions of environmental education research and to advance the use of practices proven to be effective. The Symposium facilitates discussion about ongoing research, fosters dialogue about research-community partnerships, and provides opportunities for graduate students and others to develop and expand their research skills.
Find out more about this year's event at:
View the program online or in the conference app, or read the program schedule (may be updated) at:
Also at the main conference - Strand 1 ...
1. Applying Research to Increase Our Impact
Using research to inform how we design, develop, refine, and promote environmental education programs, including methods to engage new and under-represented audiences
Sessions appropriate to this strand address such topics as:
- Cutting-edge research that is important and relevant to all environmental educators
- Linking research and practice: successfully applying what we know to what we do
- Strategies for evaluating environmental education programs
- Using research results to influence decision makers and demonstrate to them the value of EE
- Research and case studies about the benefits and challenges of learning and teaching in outdoor settings and in culturally relevant contexts
- Ideas for developing shared outcomes in environmental education that allow us to better measure our collective impact
View the Conference schedule online or in the conference app, or at (may be updated):