Announcing the 2023 NAAEE Affiliate Fund Recipients

After much deliberation and making some difficult choices, we are excited to announce the recipients of the inaugural round of NAAEE Affiliate Fund Grants. We were impressed with the many projects submitted and learned a lot from the process that will help chart our course for future rounds of funding. We offer our many thanks to everyone who took the time to submit projects for the fund and to our team of Affiliate Advisors who help shape both the RFP for the fund and evaluate proposals.
We look forward to seeing the outcome of the projects submitted and hope to have more news about the next round of funding in the coming months.
Capacity Building Grants
Environmental Education Association of South Carolina $10,000
For EE certification; EEASC board retreat and JEDI training
Wyoming Alliance for Environmental Education $6,000
To support the development of a new strategic plan
Environmental Education Association of Indiana $10,000
Membership needs and benefits survey and landscape analysis for EE in Indiana
Connecticut Outdoor & Environmental Education Association $5,000
Community listening sessions and COEEA board retreat
Alaska Natural Resource and Outdoor Education Association $5,400
ANROE board retreat
Environmental Education Association of Oregon $10,000
Community listening sessions and board planning retreat
District of Columbia Environmental Education Consortium $10,000
To rebuild and relaunch DCEEC
Virginia Association for Environmental Education $10,000
To support community outreach, content creation, and external communications in concordance with the VAEE communications plan
Environmental Education Alliance Georgia $5,000
To support strategic planning and JEDIA training
Massachusetts Environmental Education Society $10,000
Community stakeholder engagement and strategic planning
Pennsylvania Association for Environmental Education $5,750
To support board participation in a strategic planning retreat
Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education $10,000
To support the development of an operations manual and onboarding materials for new board members
Nebraska Alliance for Conservation and Environmental Education $9,000
To create a fundraising and development plan for moving the organization towards hiring permanent staff
Collaboration Grants
Supporting NAAEE Affiliates in developing Indigenous Learning Resources and Relationships
Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN), New Hampshire Environmental Educators (NHEE), Environmental Education Association of Indiana (EEAI), Wyoming Alliance for Environmental Education (WyAEE), and Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education (WAEE).
To encourage a deepening of understanding of local Indigenous knowledge and
perspectives among NAAEE Affiliates $20,000
Midwest EE Leadership Collaboration
Environmental Education Association of Illinois (EEAI), Environmental Education Association of Indiana (EEAI), Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE), Minnesota Association for Environmental Education (MAEE), Environmental Education Council of Ohio (EECO), Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education (WAEE)
To build capacity and inclusivity for EE in the Midwest through organizational and leadership
development $25,000
Outside for Five Campaign
Arkansas Environmental Education Association (AEEA), Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education (CAEE), Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education (KACEE), Wyoming Alliance for Environmental Education (WYAEE)
To build capacity for Affiliate organizations by elevating Affiliates’ outdoor and environmental education with formal educators $18,790
Northeast Affiliate Collaboration and Regional Network Building
Connecticut Outdoor and Environmental Education Association (COEEA), Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA), Massachusetts Environmental Education Society (MEES), New Hampshire Environmental Educators (NHEE), Rhode Island Environmental Education Association (RIEEA), Vermont Environmental Education Network (VTEEN)
To support continued collaboration and regional leadership in New England
Technical Support Grants
Idaho Environmental Education Association $1,000
Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education $1,000
Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators $1,000
Arkansas Environmental Education Association $750
Environmental Education Association of Oregon $1,000
Alaska Natural Resource & Outdoor Education Association $657