2017 NAAEE Conference Proposals


2017 NAAEE Conference Proposals

It’s time, once again, to begin thinking of what you want to share with colleagues and gain from this year’s NAAEE Conference !  The request for proposals is open and details are at https://naaee.org/conference

Last year because of the ideas generated by many of you in this eePro group, we put together a dynamite Symposium “Using Story Telling to Advance Climate Change Education and Action”, a Roundtable session so that we could all get together and discuss our interests and desires for interacting with and learning with other climate change educators, and many of you submitted individual proposals. As a result there were exciting climate change sessions every day of the conference!

Please begin posting your ideas, questions, suggestions for this year – and get ready to draft individual and collaborative proposals for 2017!  What do you most want to learn about, discuss, and share with others in October?


In reply to by Nicole Ardoin

Hi Jennifer! A colleague and I are submitting a proposal for a traditional presentation on our work in climate change communication, but if you're looking to flesh out the agenda in this area for your all-day workshop, we'd be interested & happy to be a part of it. I will paste our presentation summary to give you the "gist" of our focus area. Let me know if we can be of use! Our summary: "Anthropogenic climate change (ACC) persists as a contentious political issue, even among science educators who could lead the fray in shifting attitudes and behaviors. Our research investigates climate-related perspectives and informational needs of science educators who, like the general public, hold a range of beliefs regarding ACC. We examine the psychosocial factors that influence readiness to learn about and teach climate-related information, and identify a key audience and a key strategy for improving the practice and increasing the collective reach of climate change education and training."

In reply to by Nicole Ardoin

Hi Jennifer. Exciting stuff! I love your idea of having an all-day workshop devoted to teaching climate science. I've been teaching climate for several years now to elementary students and have several hands-on activities that could be used at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. My students and I also started an interactive website to get kids communicating with each other about climate change: https://kidsagainstclimatechange.com/ . I'm pretty new to NAAEE, and have never attended a conference of theirs, but would be interested in presenting if you think I would fit in with your climate change group. You can find my background info here: http://blogs.socsd.org/kchristieblick/about-ms-christie-blick/ . If you think I can be of any help, please email me: kchristieblick@socsd.org . ~Kottie

Hi CCEE friends! A group of us has gotten together to begin planning an all-day workshop proposal that will teach climate science basics, resources and best practices for a variety of educators, and effective climate change communication. We also talked about highlighting the very best of climate action plans in schools, nature centers, etc. that have been implemented, but just don't have the time to fit it all in. If there are folks out there who are interested in this type of workshop, please, please propose it! Other ideas are to showcase tried and true materials for teaching about climate change; approaches to tackling climate justice; and an "advanced" climate science track for those who already feel equipped to teach the basics. The possibilities are many and it would be so great to see a variety of CCEE presentations offered.