Online Science Game: Team WILD


Online Science Game: Team WILD

ARKive launched the Team WILD game as a fun and unique way for students to discover the importance of a career in conservation and science – by turning scientists into superheroes! From jungle to savanna, rainforest to coral reef, the Team WILD game will test students on their speed, skill and coordination. As they play, students will discover a diverse range of field tasks a conservation scientist or ecologist must do in order to protect the world’s species and habitats – from replanting native guapuruvu trees in the Atlantic forest of Brazil to evacuating non-infected mountain chickens (a frog) from Montserrat where populations are being decimated by the deadly chytrid fungus. Team WILD is also supported by curriculum-linked teaching resources, topic pages linked to the game content and discussion points, encouraging students and teachers to continue their learning journeys by exploring the topics touched upon in the game.