Online Palm Oil Lesson Plan

This online lesson plan is comprised of four activities, any of which can be included or omitted at the discretion of the teacher.
1. Orangutan Article and Questions
Students will read an article about orangutans and then answer several questions on an online fillable worksheet.
2. Palm Oil Video and Questions
Students will watch a short video about the environmental issues with palm oil and then answer several questions on an online fillable worksheet. Students also engage in a Palm Oil Investigation by searching for products in their homes which contain palm oil and finding similar products online which are palm oil sustainable or palm oil free.
3. Discussion
Students engage in a forum-style video discussion about the environmental and human-rights impacts of palm oil and possible solutions.
4. Conservation Planning for Student Advocacy
Students use a fillable online worksheet as a guide to create and design their own conservation projects. Students may also participate in a forum-style video discussion to give feedback and talk about each others' projects.
The Teachers Guide for this lesson plan can be found here or at the following link: