Free Energy Research and Education Mapping Tool


Free Energy Research and Education Mapping Tool

The Energy Zones Mapping Tool is a free online mapping tool that allows users to map existing and potential energy resources in the 39 states in the US Eastern Interconnection. The Mapping Tool was developed and is maintained by Argonne National Labs, and has a wide variety of potential uses for researchers, educators, and students in a range of disciplines from the high school to the post-graduate level. The EZ Mapping Tool includes extensive functionality for understanding and analyzing clean energy resources: Run site-suitability analyses for biomass, solar, water, wind, natural gas, geothermal and nuclear power development in your region. Use pre-set site suitability analysis factors or create custom factors. Map existing energy resources, including coal plants, nuclear plants, wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, transmission lines, biomass facilities, and more. Map environmental characteristics that impact energy development, including seismic activity, population density, protected areas, imperiled habitat areas, mean annual wind speed, biomass availability, transmission lines, pipelines, and hundreds of other site characteristics. Create a custom map of your region using an extensive database of mapping layers, including flood zones, aquifers, dams, major roads, schools, scenic byways, streams and rivers, watershed, navigable waterways, slope, and hundreds of other available layers. Search over 2,000 policies and incentives related to the nine energy resources. Find pre-made PDF maps and links to clean energy resources. While the Mapping Tool is primarily focused on energy resources and development, it could also be useful to those interested in land use and development, ecology, geography, and countless other fields. To learn more about the mapping tool, make your own maps, and stay informed about upcoming informational webinars, visit the Energy Zones Mapping Tool