Finca Cántaros Environmental Association: A Video Case Study

While many areas are affected by deforestation, some organizations are trying to undo this damage through environmental education, community engagement, and forest restoration. Finca Cántaros Environmental Association, a Canadian-Costa Rican environmental organization founded by Dr. Lilly Briggs, is among such organizations. It involves children and adults from local communities in environmental education through forest restoration and birds. Among its successful programs are “Women Committed to the Earth,” “People and the Planet,” “Night Walks,” and “Morning Walks.”
We invite environmental educators, community leaders, and anyone else to watch this video and reflect on their own environmental education and stewardship programs. Please feel free to write your comments on YouTube under this video—we’d love to hear your words of appreciation, your own approaches for community engagement in environmental education, or which ideas in this interview you found most valuable.
Click here to watch this case study, and write your comments:
This video was created as a case study for Cornell University’s course “Environmental Education and Community Engagement,” whose development was sponsored by the ee360+ program.