eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 1081 - 1092 of 1532
Saggers, B., & Strachan, J. (2016). Horsing around: Using equine facilitated learning to support the development of social-emotional competence of students at risk of school failure. Child & Youth Services, 37(3), 22.
Kirnan, J., Siminerio, S., & Wong, Z. (2016). The impact of a therapy dog program on children’s reading skills and attitudes toward reading. Early Childhood Education Journal, 44, 15.
Pensini, P., Horn, E., & Caltabiano, N.J. (2016). An exploration of the relationships between adults’ childhood and current nature exposure and their mental well-being. Children, Youth and Environments, 26(1), 23.
Ross, S.E. Taverno, & Francis, L.A. (2016). Physical activity perceptions, context, barriers, and facilitators from a Hispanic child’s perspective. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 11.
Sharma-Brymer, V., & Bland, D. (2016). Bringing nature to schools to promote children’s physical activity. Sports Medicine, 46, 8.
Leonard, J., Chamberlin, S.A., Johnson, J.B., & Verma, G. (2016). Social justice, place, and equitable science education: Broadening urban students’ opportunities to learn. Urban Review, 48, 25.
Razani, N., Kohn, M.A., Wells, N.M., Thompson, D., Flores, H.H., & Rutherford, G.W. (2016). Design and evaluation of a park prescription program for stress reduction and health promotion in low-income families: The Stay Healthy in Nature Everyday (SHINE) study protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 51, 7.
Teixeira, S., & Zuberi, A. (2016). Mapping the racial inequality in place: Using youth perceptions to identify unequal exposure to neighborhood environmental hazards. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Pate, R.R., Flynn, J.I., & Dowda, M. (2016). Policies for promotion of physical activity and prevention of obesity in adolescence. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 14(2), 7.
Choo, J., Kim, H-J., & Park, S. (2016). Neighborhood environments: Links to health behaviors and obesity status in vulnerable children. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 23.
Sterman, J., Naughton, G., Froude, E., Villeneuve, M., Beetham, K., Wyver, S., & Bund, A. (2016). Outdoor play decisions by caregivers of children with disabilities: A systematic review of qualitative studies. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 27.
Houser, N.E., Roach, L., Stone, M.R., Turner, J., & Kirk, S.F.L. (2016). Let the children play: Scoping review on the implementation and use of loose parts for promoting physical activity participation. AIMS Public Health, 3(4), 19.