eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 985 - 996 of 1532
Katz, C., McLeigh, J.D., & El, B. (2017). Preschoolers’ perceptions of neighborhood environment, safety, and help-seeking. Children and Youth Services Review, 73, 8.
Vezeau, S.L., Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., Moore, D.D., & Wright, B.A. (2017). Development and validation of two scales to measure elaboration and behaviors associated with stewardship in children. Environmental Education Research, 23(2), 22.
Walker, C. (2017). Tomorrow’s leaders and today’s agents of change? Children, sustainability education and environmental governance. Children & Society, 31, 12.
Wilson, K., Buultjens, M., Monfries, M., & Karimi, L. (2017). Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy for adolescents experiencing depression and/or anxiety: A therapist’s perspective. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 22(1), 18.
van Lier, L.E., Utter, J., Denny, S., Lucassen, M., Dyson, B., & Clark, T. (2017). Home gardening and the health and well-being of adolescents. Health Promotion Practice, 18(1), 10.
von Benzon, N. (2017). Unruly children in unbounded spaces: School-based nature experiences for urban learning disabled young people in Greater Manchester, UK. Journal of Rural Studies, 51, 11.
Zamani, Z. (2017). Young children’s preferences: What stimulates children’s cognitive play in outdoor preschools?. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 15(3), 19.
Brown, J.M., & Kaye, C. (2017). Where do the children play?: An investigation of the intersection of nature, early childhood education and play. Early Child Development and Care, 187(5-6), 14.
van den Berg, A.E., Wesselius, J.E., Maas, J., & Tanja-Dijkstra, K. (2017). Green walls for a restorative classroom environment: A controlled evaluation study. Environment and Behavior, 49(7), 23.
Kowaleski-Jones, L., Fan, J.X., Wen, M., & Hanson, H. (2017). Neighborhood context and youth physical activity: Differential associations by gender and age. American Journal of Health Promotion, 31(5), 9.
Arcury, T.A., Suerke, C.K., Ip, E.H., Moore, J.B., & Quandt, S.A. (2017). Residential environment for outdoor play among children in Latino farmworker families. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 19(2), 8.
Hartmeyer, R., & Mygind, E. (2016). A retrospective study of social relations in a Danish primary school class taught in ‘udeskole’. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 16(1), 12.