eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 829 - 840 of 1532
Ross, M., & Mason, G.J. (2017). The effects of preferred natural stimuli on humans’ affective states, physiological stress and mental health, and their potential implications for well-being in captive animals. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 83, 17.
Rowan, M.C. (2017). Rethinking relationships with curriculum by engaging with foxes and sharing stories in early childhood spaces. Global Studies of Childhood, 7(2), 17.
Schmidt, C. (2017). Thrown together: Incorporating place and sustainability into early literacy education. International Journal of Early Childhood, 49(2), 15.
Sushinsky, J.R., Rhodes, J.R., Shanahan, D.F., Possingham, H.P., & Fuller, R.A. (2017). Maintaining experiences of nature as a city grows. Ecology and Society, 22(3).
Torres, A.C., Nadot, S., & Prevot, A-C. (2017). Specificities of French community gardens as environmental stewardships. Ecology and Society, 22(3).
Armstrong, T. (2017). The healing balm of nature: Understanding and supporting the naturalist intelligence in individuals diagnosed with ASD. Physics of Life Reviews, 20, 3.
Olsen, H., & Smith, B. (2017). Sandboxes, loose parts, and playground equipment: A descriptive exploration of outdoor play environments. Early Child Development and Care, 187(5-6), 14.
Harris, F. (2017). Outdoor learning spaces: The case of forest school. AREA.
Østergaard, E. (2017). Earth at rest: Aesthetic experience and students’ grounding in science education. Science and Education.
Raith, A. (2017). Children on green schoolyards: Nature experience, preferences, and behavior. Children, Youth and Environments, 27(1), 21.
Breunig, M.C. (2017). Sustaining schoolyard pedagogy through community academic partnerships. Leisure/Loisir, 41(3), 24.
Huys, N., De Cocker, K., De Craemer, M., Roesbeke, M., Cardon, G., & De Lepeleere, S. (2017). School gardens: A qualitative study on implementation practices. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(12).