eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 769 - 780 of 1532
Li, D., Larsen, L., Yang, Y., Wang, L., Zhai, Y., & Sullivan, W.C. (2018). Exposure to nature for children with autism spectrum disorder: Benefits, caveats, and barriers. Health and Place.
Ng, S.C., & Bull, R. (2018). Facilitating social emotional learning in kindergarten classrooms: Situational factors and teachers’ strategies. International Journal of Early Childhood, 50(3), 18.
Stevenson, M., Schilhab, T., & Bentsen, P. (2018). Attention Restoration Theory II: A systematic review to clarify attention processes affected by exposure to natural environments. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 21(4), 42.
Pitman, S.D., Daniels, C.B., & Sutton, P.C. (2018). Characteristics associated with high and low levels of ecological literacy in a western society. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 25(3), 11.
Martin, C., & Czellar, S. (2017). Where do biospheric values come from? A connectedness to nature perspective. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 52, 13.
Laaksoharju, T, & Rappe, E. (2017). Trees as affordances for connectedness to place -- A model to facilitate children’s relationship with nature. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 28, 10.
D’Amore, C., & Chawla, L. (2017). Many children in the woods: Applying principles of community-based social marketing to a family nature club. Ecopsychology, 9(4), 9.
Wyles, K.J., White, M.P., Hattam, C., Pahl, S., King, H., & Austen, M. (2017). Are some natural environments more psychologically beneficial than others? The importance of type and quality on connectedness to nature and psychological restoration. Environment and Behavior.
Ruijsbroek, A., Droomers, M., Kruize, H., van Kempen, E., C.J., Gidlow., Hurst, G., … Groenewegen, P.P. (2017). Does the health impact of exposure to neighourhood green space differ between population groups? An explorative study in four European cities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(6).
Green, C. (2017). Children environmental identity development in an Alaska native rural context. International Journal of Early Childhood, 49.
Müller, U., Temple, V.A., Smith, B., Kerns, K., Eycke, Ten, Crane, J., & Sheehan, J. (2017). Effects of nature kindergarten attendance on children’s functioning. Children, Youth and Environments, 27(2), 23.
Ballard, H.L., Dixon, C.G.H., & Harris, E.M. (2017). Youth-focused citizen science: Examining the role of environmental science learning and agency for conservation. Biological Conservation, 208, 11.