eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 637 - 648 of 1532
Truelove, S., Bruijns, B. A., Vanderloo, L. W., O’Brien, K. T., Johnson, A. M., & Tucker, P. (2018). Physical activity and sedentary time during childcare outdoor play sessions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Preventive Medicine, 108, 12.
Ward, K. (2018). What’s in a dream? Natural elements, risk and loose parts in children’s dream playspace drawings. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(1), 9.
Harris, K. (2018). The personae of the spiritual child: Taking pictures of the heart using technology and tablets. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality , 23(3).
Mata-McMahon, J., Haslip, M. J., & Schein, D. L. (2018). Early childhood educators’ perceptions of nurturing spirituality in secular settings. Early Child Development and Care, 189(14), 19.
Scott, J.T., Kilmer, R.P., Wang, C., Cook, J.R., & Haber, M.G. (2018). Natural environments near schools: Potential benefits for socio-emotional and behavioral development in early childhood. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Barthel, S., Belton, S., Raymond, C.M., & Giusti, M. (2018). Fostering children’s connection to nature through authentic situations: The case of saving salamanders at school. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.
Agostini, F., Minelli, M., & Mandolesi, R. (2018). Outdoor education in Italian kindergartens: How teachers perceive child developmental trajactories. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
Stern, M.J., Frensley, B.T., Powell, R.B., & Ardoin, N.M. (2018). What difference do role models make? Investigating outcomes at a residential environmental education center. Children’s Geographies, 24(6), 13.
Metzger, A., Alvis, L.M., Oosterhoff, B., Babskie, E., Syvertsen, A., & Wray-Lake, L. (2018). The intersection of emotional and sociocognitive competencies with civic engagement in middle childhood and adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47, 21.
Djonko-Moore, C., Leonard, J., Holifield, Q., Bailey, E.B., & Almughyirah, S.M. (2018). Using culturally-relevant experiential education to enhance urban children’s knowledge and engagement in science. Journal of Experiential Education, 41(2), 17.
Wallner, P., Kundi, M., Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Allex, B., Weitensfelder, L., & Hutter, H. (2018). Reloading pupils’ batteries: Impact of green spaces on cognition and wellbeing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6).
Bakolis, I., Hammoud, R., Smythe, M., Gibbons, J., Davidson, N., Tognin, S., & Mechelli, A. (2018). Urban Mind: Using smartphone technologies to investigate the impact of nature on mental well-being in real time. BioScience.