eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 469 - 480 of 1852
Jordan, C., & Chawla, L. (2019). A coordinated research agenda for nature-based learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
M.H.E.M., Browning., & Rigolon, A. (2019). Could nature help children rise out of poverty? Green space and future earnings from a cohort in ten U.S. cities. Environmental Research.
Hatala, A., Morton, D., Njeze, C., Bird-Naytowhow, K., & Pearl, T. (2019). Reimagining miyo-wicehtowin: Human-nature relations, land-making, and wellness among indigenous youth in a Canadian urban context. Social Science & Medicine, 230, 9.
Flanagan, C., Gallay, E., Pykett, A., & Smallwood, M. (2019). The Environmental Commons in Urban Communities: The potential of place-based education. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
Dopko, R.L., Capaldi, C.A., & Zelenski, J.M. (2019). The psychological and social benefits of a nature experience for children: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 63, 5.
Arvidsen, J., & Beames, S. (2019). Young children’s outdoor refuges: Movements and (dis)entanglements. Children’s Geographies, 17(4), 12.
Alderton, A., Villanueva, K., O’Connor, M., Boulangé, C., & Badland, H. (2019). Reducing inequities in early childhood mental health: How might the neighborhood built environment help close the gap? A systematic search and critical review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16.
Norwood, M.F., Lakhani, A., Fullagar, S., Maujean, A., Downes, M., Byrne, J., … Kendall, E. (2019). A narrative and systematic review of the behavioural, cognitive and emotional effects of passive nature exposure on young people: Evidence for prescribing change. Landscape and Urban Planning, 189, 9.
Pomfret, G., & Varley, P. (2019). Families at leisure outdoors: Well-being through adventure. Leisure Studies.
McGinnis, A., Kincaid, A.T., Barrett, M.J., Ham, C., & Group, Community Elders Research Advisory. (2019). Strengthening animal-human relationships as a doorway to Indigenous holistic wellness. Ecopsychology, 11(3), 12.
Dornhoff, M., Sothmann, J-N., Fiebelkorn, F., & Menzel, S. (2019). Nature relatedness and environmental concern of young people in Ecuador and Germany. Frontiers in Psychology.
Collado, S., & Evans, G.W. (2019). Outcome expectancy: A key factor to understanding childhood exposure to nature and children’s pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 61, 7.