eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 433 - 444 of 1852
Schmidt, S. C. E., Anedda, B., Burchartz, A., Eichsteller, A., Kolb, S., Nigg, C., … Woll, A. (2020). Physical activity and screen time of children and adolescents before and during the COVID‐19 lockdown in Germany: A natural experiment. Scientific Reports, 10.
Sobko, T., Liang, S., Cheng, W. H. G., & Tun, H. M. (2020). Impact of outdoor nature‐related activities on gut microbiota, fecal serotonin, and perceived stress in preschool children: The Play & Grow randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports, 10.
Stevenson, K.T., Peterson, M. N., & Bondell, H.D. (2019). The influence of personal beliefs, friends, and family in building climate change concern among adolescents. Environmental Education Research, 25(6), 14.
Ward, T., Goldingay, S., & Parson, J. (2019). Evaluating a supported nature play programme, parents’ perspectives. Early Child Development and Care, 189(2), 14.
Ahmetoglu, E. (2019). The contributions of familial and environmental factors to children’s connection with nature and outdoor activities. Early Child Development and Care, 189(2), 11.
Chaudhury, M., Hinckson, M.E., Badland, H., & Oliver, M. (2019). Children’s independence and affordances experienced in the context of public open spaces: A study of diverse inner-city and suburban neighbourhoods in Auckland, New Zealand. Children’s Geographies, 17(1), 15.
Diaz, J.M., Warner, L.A., Webb, S., & Barry, D. (2019). Obstacles for school garden program success: Expert consensus to inform policy and practice. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18(3), 12.
Sullivan, T.K., & Syvertsen, A.K. (2019). Conservation leadership: A developmental model. Journal of Adolescent Research, 34(2), 27.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Rousell, D. (2019). Education for what? Shaping the field of climate change education with children and young people as co-researchers. Children’s Geographies, 17(1), 15.
Li, C, & Seymour, M. (2019). Children’s perceptions of neighbourhood environments for walking and outdoor play. Landscape Research, 44(4), 14.
Snow, D., Bundy, A., Tranter, P., Wyver, S., Naughton, G., Ragen, J., & Engelen, L. (2019). Girls’ perspectives on the ideal school playground experience: An exploratory study of four Australian primary schools. Children’s Geographies, 17, 14.
Larson, L.R., Szczytko, R., Bowers, E.P., Stephens, L.E., Stevenson, K.T., & Floyd, M.F. (2019). Outdoor time, screen time, and connection to nature: Troubling trends among rural youth?. Environment and Behavior, 51(8), 26.