eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 1621 - 1632 of 1852
Sternäng, Li, & Lundholm, Cecilia. (2011). Climate change and morality: Students’ perspectives on the individual and society. International Journal of Science Education, 33, 1131-1148.
Thompson, Ruthanne, Coe, Alice, Klaver, Irene, & Dickson, Kenneth. (2011). Design and Implementation of a Research-Informed Water Conservation Education Program. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 10, 91-104.
Tom, Gail, Tauchus, Gail, Williams, Jared, & Tong, Stephanie. (2011). The Role of Communicative Feedback in Successful Water Conservation Programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 10, 80-90.
Yocco, Victor, Danter, Elizabeth H., Heimlich, Joseph E., Dunckel, Betty A., & Myers, Chris. (2011). Exploring use of new media in environmental education contexts: introducing visitors’ technology use in zoos model. Environmental Education Research, 17, 801-814.
Zint, Michaela T., Covitt, Beth A., & Dowd, Patrick F. (2011). Insights From an Evaluability Assessment of the U.S. Forest Service More Kids in the Woods Initiative. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42, 255-271.
Wheeler, B. W., Cooper, A. R., Page, A. S., & Jago, R. (2010). Greenspace and children’s physical activity: A GPS/GIS analysis of the PEACH project. Preventive Medicine, 51(2), 5.
James, J. J., Bixler, R. D., & Vadala, C. E. (2010). From play in nature, to recreation then vocation: A developmental model for natural history-oriented environmental professionals. Children, Youth and Environments, 20(1), 26.
Cooper, A. R., Page, A. S., Wheeler, B. W., Griew, P., Davis, L., & Hillsdon, M. (2010). Mapping the walk to school using accelerometry combined with a Global Positioning System. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38(2), 6.
McCurdy, L. E., Winterbottom, K. E., Mehta, S. S., & Roberts, J. R. (2010). Using nature and outdoor activity to improve children’s health. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care, 40(5), 16.
Fjørtoft, I., Kristoffersen, B, & Sageie, J. (2010). Children in schoolyards: Tracking movement patterns and physical activity in schoolyards using global positioning system and heart rate monitoring. Landscape and Urban Planning, 93, 8.
Bringolf-Isler, B., Grize, L., Mader, U., Ruch, N., Sennhauser, F. H., & Braun-Fahrlander, C. (2010). Built environment, parents’ perception, and children’s vigorous outdoor play. Preventive Medicine, 50(5-6), 6.
Jansson, M. (2010). Attractive playgrounds: Some factors affecting user interest and visiting patterns. Landscape Research, 35(1), 19.