eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 73 - 84 of 1542
Zhang, P., & Park, S. (2023). Investigating spatial heterogeneity of park inequity using three access measures: A case study in Hartford, Connecticut. Applied Geography, 151.
Russo, A., & Andreucci, M. B. (2023). Raising healthy children: Promoting the multiple benefits of green open spaces through biophilic design. Sustainability, 15(3).
Down, M., Picknoll, D., Piggott, B., Hoyne, G, & Bulsara, C. (2023). “I love being in the outdoors”: A qualitative descriptive study of outdoor adventure education program components for adolescent wellbeing. Journal of Adolescence, 95, 13.
Puhakka, R., Hakoköngäs, E., & Peura, S. (2023). The memorable nature experiences of youth: A phenomenological approach to visualized and written experiences. Journal of Youth Studies.
Mintoff, Z., Andersen, P., Warren, J., Elliott, S., Nicholson, C., Byfield-Fleming, H., & Barber, F. (2023). The effectiveness of a community-based playgroup in inspiring positive changes in the environmental attitudes and behaviours of children and their parents: A qualitative case study. Australian Journal of Environmental Education.
Moula, Z., Walshe, N., & Lee, E. (2023). “It was like I was not a person, it was like I was the nature”: The impact of arts-in-nature experiences on the wellbeing of children living in areas of high deprivation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 90.
van Heel, B. F., van den Born, R. J. G., & Aarts, N. (2023). Nature experiences in childhood as a driver of connectedness with nature and action for nature: A review. Ecopsychology, 15(4), 14.
Zucca, C., McCrorie, P., Johnstone, A., Chambers, S., Chng, N. R., Traynor, O., & Martin, A. (2023). Outdoor nature-based play in early learning and childcare centres: Identifying the determinants of implementation using causal loop diagrams and social network analysis. Health and Place, 79.
Luo, X., Tao, M., Lu, J., Lu, L., & He, X. (2023). The effect of different combinations of physical activity and natural environment videos on children’s attention levels between class breaks. BMC Pediatrics, 23(60).
Liu, J., & Green, R. J. (2023). The effect of exposure to nature on children’s psychological well-being: A systematic review of the literature. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 81.
Rahai, R., Wells, N. M., & Evans, G. W. (2023). School greenspace is associated with enhanced benefits of academic interventions on annual reading improvement for children of color in California. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 83.
Martin, A., Clarke, J., Johnstone, A., McCrorie, P., Langford, R., Simpson, S. A., & Kipping, R. (2023). A qualitative study of parental strategies to enable pre-school children’s outdoor and nature experiences during COVID-19 restrictions. Health & Place, 79.