eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 529 - 540 of 1542
Krettenauer, T., Wang, W., Jia, F., & Yao, Y. (2019). Connectedness with nature and the decline of pro-environmental behavior in adolescence: A comparison of Canada and China. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Imai, H., Nakashizuka, T., & Kohsaka, R. (2019). A multi-year investigation of the factors underlying decreasing interactions of children and adults with natural environments in Japan. Human Ecology.
Coates, J.K., & Pimlott-Wilson, H. (2019). Learning while playing: Children’s Forest School experiences in the UK. British Educational Research Journal, 45(1), 20.
Musitu-Ferrer, D., Esteban-Ibañez, M., León-Moreno, C., & García, O.F. (2019). Is school adjustment related to environmental empathy and connectedness to nature?. Psychosocial Intervention, 28(2), 10.
Mackay, C.M.L., & Schmitt, M.T. (2019). Do people who feel connected to nature do more to protect it? A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65.
Hughes, J., Rogerson, M., Barton, J., & Bragg, R. (2019). Age and connection to nature: When is engagement critical?. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17(5), 5.
Richardson, M., Hunt, A., Hinds, J., Bragg, R., Fido, D., Petronzi, D., … White, M. (2019). A measure of nature connectedness for children and adults: Validation, performance, and insights. Sustainability, 11(12).
Beery, T.H., & Lekies, K.S. (2019). Childhood collecting in nature: Quality experience in important places. Children’s Geographies, 17(1), 14.
Fuentesal-García, J., Baena-Extremera, A., & Sáez-Padilla, J. (2019). Psychometric characteristics of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale in the context of physical activity in nature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16.
Goldenberg, M., Schwab, K., Hendricks, W.W., Greenwood, J., Greenwood, B., & Higgins, L. (2019). San Francisco youth outdoor recreation intentions through themed messages. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 11(3), 4.
Boyd, D. (2019). Utilising place-based learning through local contexts to develop agents of change in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability. Education 3-13, 47(8), 15.
Trzmiel, T., Purandare, B., Michalak, M., Zasadzka, E., & Pawlaczyk, M. (2019). Equine assisted activities and therapies in children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and a meta-analysis. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 42, 10.