eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 481 - 492 of 1542
Collado, S., & Sorrel, M.A. (2019). Children’s environmental moral judgments: Variations according to type of victim and exposure to nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 62, 7.
Sando, O.J. (2019). The outdoor environment and children’s health: A multilevel approach. International Journal of Play, 8(1), 14.
Spero, M.A., Balster, N.J., & Bajcz, A.W. (2019). Effects of childhood setting and interaction with nature on academic performance in introductory college-level course in the environmental sciences. Environmental Education Research, 25(3), 21.
Preuss, M., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Marquez, S., Cirach, M., Dadvand, P., Triguero-Mas, M., … Zijlema, W. (2019). Low childhood nature exposure is associated with worse mental health in adulthood. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16.
Mutz, M., Müller, J., & Göring, A. (2019). Outdoor adventures and adolescents’ mental health: Daily screen time as a moderator of changes. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 19(1), 11.
Mygind, L., Kjeldsted, E., Hartmeyer, R., Mygind, E., Bølling, M., & Bents, P. (2019). Mental, physical and social health benefits of immersive nature-experiences for children and adolescents: A systematic review and quality assessment of the evidence. Health & Place, 58.
Mueller, M.A.E., Flouri, E., & Kokosi, T. (2019). The role of the physical environment in adolescent mental health. Health & Place, 58.
Muela, A., Larrea, I., Miranda, N., & Barandiaran, A. (2019). Improving the quality of preschool outdoor environments: Getting children involved. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 27(3), 12.
Shanahan, D.F., Astell–Burt, T., Barber, E.A., Brymer, E., Cox, D.T.C., Dean, J., … Niemela, J. (2019). Nature-based interventions for improving health and wellbeing: The purpose, the people and the outcomes. Sports, 7(6).
Hodson, C.B., & Sander, H.A. (2019). Relationships between vegetation in student environments and academic achievement across the continental U.S. Landscape and Urban Planning, 189, 13.
Guardino, C., Hall, K.W., Largo-Wight, E., & Hubbuch, C. (2019). Teacher and student perceptions of an outdoor classroom. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 22(2), 14.
Harrington, S.C., Stack, J., & O’Dwyer, V. (2019). Risk factors associated with myopia in schoolchildren in Ireland. British Journal of Opthalmology.